Classic Basil Pesto

Looking for a fresh and flavorful pesto recipe that's easy to make and packed with aromatic herbs? Look no further; this dairy-free plant-based version, with a vibrant green color and rich, cheesy taste, this recipe is sure to be a hit with vegans and omnivores alike!

Rich, fresh, cheesy, and oh-so-good...

So, being a flavor fan, it probably comes as no one’s surprise that I am a 100% bonafide Grade-A pesto freak.


For real.

I will eat anything covered in pesto, even ice cream. 

And there are far more uses than just poured over weeknight linguine! I love it for its deliciousness, cheesy freshness, and it’s versatility in the kitchen.


Want a fast salad dressing? Mix pesto w/ lemon juice -or- champagne vinegar!


Craving to amp up yer pizza -or- sandwich? Why pesto? Thank you!


Wanna add a flavor punch to a dip -or- spread? Guess who!


Pesto is here and ready for action.

It’s one of yer best friends in soooooo many applications. Is the following recipe “traditional”? It sure doesn’t claim to be, but if you want a rich, vegan pesto, that it is, 100% guaranteed.


This is for the flavor fans out there.

AuthorGinny ClarkCategoryDifficultyBeginner

Yields16 Servings
Prep Time10 minsTotal Time10 mins

 1 cup Olive Oil
 1 cup Canola Oil
 2 tsp Kosher Salt
 2 tsp Citric Acid
 2 heads of Garlic, peeled (about 40 cloves)
 1 cup Pine Nuts, toasted
 1 cup Raw Cashews
 2 cups Nutritional Yeast
 4 oz Fresh Basil Leaves


Blend first 5-ingredient listed together in high-speed blender or food processor until homogeneous.


Add remaining 4-ingredients to the high-speed blender or food processor. Cover, and slowly ramp up speed to med-high, tamping down well.


Store long-term in the freezer in a sealed container, for up to 6-months.
Store in the fridge for immediate use, for up to 2-weeks.


 1 cup Olive Oil
 1 cup Canola Oil
 2 tsp Kosher Salt
 2 tsp Citric Acid
 2 heads of Garlic, peeled (about 40 cloves)
 1 cup Pine Nuts, toasted
 1 cup Raw Cashews
 2 cups Nutritional Yeast
 4 oz Fresh Basil Leaves



Blend first 5-ingredient listed together in high-speed blender or food processor until homogeneous.


Add remaining 4-ingredients to the high-speed blender or food processor. Cover, and slowly ramp up speed to med-high, tamping down well.


Store long-term in the freezer in a sealed container, for up to 6-months.
Store in the fridge for immediate use, for up to 2-weeks.


Classic Basil Pesto

Eat -&- enjoy!

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Hey! –
What are your favorite uses for pesto?
Wanna see more saucy -&- spreadable inspirations?
Leave your thoughts below!
I'm a vegan flavor-obsessed chef, and a 16-year veteran of the restaurant industry. I love to write about the most flavorful vegan recipes possible, creating easy how-to, articles, product reviews, and more. Plant-based can be delicious and accessible. Cooking up goodies, with chill vibes from the coast and beyond. Let's create something awesome!