Vegan Lotsa Matcha Banana-Bread Smoothie w/ bananas and pecans

... creamy, nutty, energizing, banana-bready goodness ...  So a few things are going on at once right now:1)  Being in a big hurry in the mornings. As much as I might want to chill, watch the sun come up, sip some tea and stretch, while having a full skillet breakfast in the morning (all of which is ultimately the goal ...

Vegan Serrano Madarina Brown Sugar Hot Sauce in Woozy Bottle & Jar with veg

... zesty, sweet, spicy, citrusy, warming, floral, tangy ... Home fermentation is so damn cool.Cashew cheeses, kimchi, sauerkraut, hot sauce…did someone say “flavor“? YES PLEASE! It might seem daunting initially, but don’t let home fermentation intimidate you! Most home-fermented things are easy to make and have simple ingredients; some incredible, layered, and deep flavors develop with some basic precautions and ...

Vegan Buttered Rum Raisins & Bananas

... rich, tropical, elegant, caramelly rum vanilla goodness ... I’ll never forget the first time I had a slice of rum cake.It was Christmastime years and years ago, and I was 100% unaware it was a rum cake…until 5 minutes later, after two slices, when I found out the hard way. (YIKES!) I fully believe that if you have a ...

Vegan Tangy 'n' Smoky Chipotle Lime Salsa in bowl with veggies

... fresh, spicy, tangy, sweet, rich -&- roasted ... I love salsa, and I have been craving it like crazy lately.Living in California for half my life, salsa was always present, from the many local taquerias to kind neighbors sending their delicious wares over in hard times or celebrations or attending a town-wide salsa contest.Fresh, spicy, scalding, mild, sweet, salty, ...

Vegan Neon Strawberry-Rhubarb Galette (1)

... sweet, tart, juicy, easy, rustic -&- elegant ... I love a nice baked good.Cookies a loved one gives you around the holidays…sitting in a coffee shop snacking on a slice o’ somethin’ while sipping a cup of tea…eating an entire pie, huddled in the corner of the room like a small, rabid creature, sharpened teeth and claws out, ready ...

Vegan Cheddar Chive Biscuits

Plain biscuits are already pretty impressive, but add some vegan cheddar, fresh chives, and seasonings? Heck yeah. Game. Changed. Grab yer rolling pin. It’s time for some decadent, fluffy biscuit indulgence. ...

Whether you're a long-time vegan, wanna make a pie for a vegan family member or friend, or are simply seeking a change of pace from the norm, this dairy-free plant-based flaky crust won't sacrifice texture or flavor to the cause. Enough talkin'; let's get rollin'! ...