Vegan Neon Strawberry-Rhubarb Galette (1)

... sweet, tart, juicy, easy, rustic -&- elegant ... I love a nice baked good.Cookies a loved one gives you around the holidays…sitting in a coffee shop snacking on a slice o’ somethin’ while sipping a cup of tea…eating an entire pie, huddled in the corner of the room like a small, rabid creature, sharpened teeth and claws out, ready ...

Who says you need dairy and eggs to make a mouthwatering pie? This recipe proves that you can create a delicious, flaky crust, a creamy lemon curd, and a luscious, fruity filling without any animal products whatsoever - and it doesn't taste like cardboard or chemicals! Get ready to whip up a pie that impresses both friends and tastebuds! ...

Whether you're a long-time vegan, wanna make a pie for a vegan family member or friend, or are simply seeking a change of pace from the norm, this dairy-free plant-based flaky crust won't sacrifice texture or flavor to the cause. Enough talkin'; let's get rollin'! ...