Tangy Preserved-Lemon Pesto

Elevate your pastas and salads with a burst of Mediterranean flavors! Bright, bold, and brimming with flavor, featuring slivered almonds, tangy preserved lemons, and fragrant chives, this vegan preserved lemon pesto is a game-changer. Transport your taste buds to the sun-soaked coastlines with every bite; no passport needed.

Vegan Preserved Lemon Pesto in Jar with Lemon and Chives

... tangy, salty, lemony, cheesy, fermented, aromatic ...

A while back, I started a batch of preserved lemons; Lots of salt, spices, and time.

They’re kept with more salt than you would use for a standard fermentation. Still, with time, it allows the lemons to soften in both flavor and texture, takes away the bitterness of the pith, and creates this umami element that is so damn delicious, unique and useful.

Lemons w/ Kosher Salt on a Towel

You can find them in your local specialty grocery or online or make them yourself at home! 

(Recipe soon to come…you know it!!)

Preserved Lemons in Jar; Before, and After 5 Weeks

We’ll be using these homemade preserved lemons in many things here and there throughout the recipes on the blog, but I’m on a mission right now.

I’m in a definite pesto mood.

I think a special lemon pesto will be made with these lovely salty lemons

Vegan Preserved-Lemon Pesto Ingredients

- Ingredients -

Preserved Lemons:  Homemade and preserved in salt, these have a far more mellow lemon flavor, less tang, far less bitterness from the pith, and an umami boost due to the fermentation/preservation process, making a unique lemon flavor experience overall. What’s great is that you won’t have to add salt because the lemons are already preserved in salt. So, all the salt we need is already in there! However, if you find it too salty for your taste, please rinse some out to remove some of the salt. I, myself, am going whole salt, baby.

Citric Acid:  This acts as a natural preservative, adds tang back into the pesto, and helps create the cheesy flavor with the…

Nutritional Yeast: Adds a cheesy and savory flavor to many dishes (as well as an extra boost of vitamins and minerals, including B12, if fortified).

Slivered Almonds:  Easier to process (with zero brown casings) to help create that gentle creaminess you need.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:  Adds a mild grassy bitterness in flavor, also helps richen and blend everything.

Fresh Chives:  Yes, I know! We’re not adding garlic to this recipe (although you could)!! Shocking, I’m sure. However, the fresh chives play nicely with the umami and lemony-ness of the pesto. Does great solo here, no garlic needed.

Ground Black Pepper: To finish everything off and tie it together.

Vegan Preserved-Lemon Pesto Pasta on a plate

So, how do I use preserved-lemon pesto?

Pasta:  Use on hot pasta or as a secret ingredient in a pasta salad!

Salad:  Blend some preserved-lemon pesto with champagne vinegar -or- lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. It makes a fabulous salad dressing!

Pizza:  Mix a bit of preserved-lemon pesto with some water, and drizzle over a hot pizza fresh out of the oven!

Sandwiches:  Mix some preserved-lemon pesto with some vegan mayo, and use it for a surprising sandwich spread!

Compound Butter:  Is dinner’s side veg somewhat bland? Add vegan butter mixed with preserved-lemon pesto. Boom! Instant flavor.

Charcuterie:  This has dip, spread, and compound butter possibilities (and more!), so preserved-lemon pesto is an awesome addition to any charcuterie board.

This is also quite a concentrated pesto, so you can use less when serving.

Enough chatterboxin’. Let’s get to it!

AuthorGinny ClarkCategory, , DifficultyBeginner

Yields32 Servings
Prep Time10 minsTotal Time10 mins

 ½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 ½ cup Slivered Almonds
 ½ cup Nutritional Yeast
 1 ½ Preserved Lemons
 1 tsp Citric Acid
 ½ tsp Ground Black Pepper
 ½ oz Fresh Chives


If you desire less salt in your pesto, feel free to rinse the lemons at this point.

Snip chives with scissors into smaller pieces (they don’t have to be perfect, they’ll get blended later anyways).


Place all ingredients into a food processor / high-speed blender.

Cover securely, and slowly ramp up speed to med-high, tamping down as needed, until it’s until homogeneous -or- reaches your desired consistency.


Store long-term in the freezer in a sealed container, for up to 6-months.
Store in the fridge for immediate use, for up to 2-weeks.


 ½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 ½ cup Slivered Almonds
 ½ cup Nutritional Yeast
 1 ½ Preserved Lemons
 1 tsp Citric Acid
 ½ tsp Ground Black Pepper
 ½ oz Fresh Chives



If you desire less salt in your pesto, feel free to rinse the lemons at this point.

Snip chives with scissors into smaller pieces (they don’t have to be perfect, they’ll get blended later anyways).


Place all ingredients into a food processor / high-speed blender.

Cover securely, and slowly ramp up speed to med-high, tamping down as needed, until it’s until homogeneous -or- reaches your desired consistency.


Store long-term in the freezer in a sealed container, for up to 6-months.
Store in the fridge for immediate use, for up to 2-weeks.


Tangy Preserved-Lemon Pesto

Eat -&- enjoy!

If you loved this unique recipe and want even more great eats, don’t forget to bookmark our site! You can also follow us on Instagram and Pinterest for more fresh, delicious content.

- Hey! -

What are some of your favorite uses for lemons?
Have you tried preserved lemons before?

Leave your thoughts below!

I'm a vegan flavor-obsessed chef, and a 16-year veteran of the restaurant industry. I love to write about the most flavorful vegan recipes possible, creating easy how-to, articles, product reviews, and more. Plant-based can be delicious and accessible. Cooking up goodies, with chill vibes from the coast and beyond. Let's create something awesome!